"With great unemployment rate, comes great recession. With great recession, comes great depression". 

Spain is really sinking in great recession. People say no to the government's policy that let Bankia loose from government's hand. It really makes a great impact, EUR/USD is 1.2343 this morning (Indonesia Time Zone). Well, Spain, Ireland, and Portugal depend on Germany and other great EUROPEAN countries for helping  them to get out of this crisis.

Indonesia sense a hardship, too, related to EURO crisis. Indonesia worry about the influence of Euro crisis to China and Japan. As we know, China and Japan is Indonesia main export destination, so Indonesia really consider this. But Suryo B Sulistio said that Indonesia didn't have to worry about Euro crisis because Indonesia has little export value to Europe. On the contrary, Rupiah keeps depressed against USD (according to BI: USD/IDR Rp 9.565,00 May 31st 2012). It is because, the debt crisis in Europe makes Indonesia-Europe trading value falls.